Content Marketing: What Are The Top 10 Content Types?

Content Marketing: What Are The Top 10 Content Types?

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(Last Updated On: October 24, 2023)

Content marketing is about creating and sharing web content that is engaging, entertaining and educational.

Many people seem to think that written content is the only kind of web content there is. They’re thinking of articles, e-books, blog posts and such. And many brands focus on this kind of text-based content.

The truth is, there are a lot of people who prefer other kinds of content. If you want to make the most of your content marketing campaign, you’ll need to look at these other kinds of content as well.

This will allow you to place your content in front of members of your target audience who will never read your carefully-crafted articles.

Here are the top content types you can and should be using in your content marketing strategy.

1. Blog posts

A successful content marketing strategy will almost certainly make use of blog posts. It’s important to blog consistently because this helps to establish your brand as an authority in your field. Well-optimized blog posts are likely to appear in the search results, and this can lead to people finding all your other content.

2. Case studies

Most people enjoy reading case studies because they are able to better understand how your product or service can be used in the real world. Showing how you (or your products and services) were able to help other people provides a powerful message about your product or service.

3. Videos

A large number of people prefer to watch videos rather than read. You should consider repurposing your most popular content into video format. This will allow you to reach the people in your audience who would rather consume your content in video form.

One of the best and fastest ways to do this is by using software like Content Samurai.

4. Infographics

Infographics reduce your content to its key points and present it in a visual form. This makes it easy for people to grasp the message you’re trying to convey.

Instead of reading hundreds or thousands of words, they can simply study your infographic for a minute or two and come away with an idea of what you want them to know.

5. Checklists

Actionable content can often best be expressed in the form of a checklist. This gives people a structured plan of the steps they need to take. You can also use a checklist as a content upgrade to encourage people to sign up for your mailing list.

6. Social media posts

You can take key concepts from your content and have it repurposed into social media graphics which are easy for your audience to share with their contacts on social media sites.

7. Presentations

It’s quick and easy to take the important points from your content and copy and paste them into a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. Add a visually attractive template with your branding, and you have a new way of reaching people via slide sharing sites such as SlideShare and AuthorStream.

8. Quizzes

In the last few years, online quizzes have become extremely popular. They provide a way for people to engage with your content in an unusual and interactive manner. You can set up a quiz using software like SurveyAnyplace or TypeForm.

9. Online courses

Online courses are another popular type of content. People like them because they can find all the information they need in one place. They are also easy to consume. You can create a free course on a platform like Udemy or Thinkific.

10. Memes

Piggyback on the popularity of today’s hottest topic, post it on social media and if it grabs the attention of your audience, it may go viral! Use BuzzSumo to find the best performing topics in your market.