What is Freedom?

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(Last Updated On: April 16, 2021)

In this video, Patric Chan discusses freedom, and what it means to him. Basically, he says that real freedom comes from having control of your personal economy.

Click here to learn how to master your personal economy during the current recession.

It’s nice to hang out!! And you guys can see all the beach there. Beautiful sand, green and everything else and things like that.

People like to ask the question, is this freedom?

Now, what is freedom?

Is this freedom, having the kind of lifestyle that you want and things like by the beach and so on?

Now first of all, I don’t bring any laptops and so on. I’m here with my little phone. Now, I can tell you that, this is not really freedom.

People would say that having being able to have the vacations and so on. It’s that you had kind of lifestyle and things that.

But the truth is, this is not freedom! This is just a break. A mini-break, a vacation, a holiday or whatever you can call it.

So the point I’m trying to say is that, do not get misunderstood or have the illusion that having vacations or holiday is freedom. My point of trying to bring this up, is actually to share with you greater concept of what freedom is actually is. And I hope, I share this with you.

It can help you to have the real freedom that you want to have. Regardless of whether you already have freedom or not.

So, what is freedom? Now, the way how I look at it is that, freedom is basically mastering your personal economy.

You heard of the country’s economy. So, if you are in whichever country like if you’re in States and so on, how is your country’s economy.

And you have your company’s economy and where you work with.

But have you actually asked yourself, what is your personal economy in that sense. What is personal economy means?

Basically, your economy! How is it going on? Now, if you talk about freedom, then it relates back to your personal economy.

See, doesn’t mean someone who has a yacht or sail and so on, they have freedom. Because they may have messed up with the personal economy.

In the sense that, they may have debts or they may have not even made enough money to own the yacht or the sails and thing like that but they have all these kind of luxury stuff, that is not freedom, my friend.

That is an illusion of what freedom actually is.

So, what do I mean by that? See when we talk about freedom, it’s about mastering a personal economy. Which means that, it’s not that you have enough to spare, but here more than enough for you to spend.

And that’s because, if you have mastered your personal economy, it simply means that you get to work when you want to work get.

Get to work with who you want to work and things like that. And also, you have total control of your life in that sense.

So, financial doesn’t really make you become achieve happiness in that sense, but it helps you to master, to manage your person economy. And, with that helps you to create your freedom. Because then you can decide when you want to take a vacation.

When you want to go to the beach, when you want to have dining in a nice restaurant, when you want to do all of those. It has nothing to do with you driving Ferrari or wearing Rolex or IWC or whatever brands.

I’m not a branded person. I wouldn’t be able to tell you good brands of watches. And, I guess those are all the so-called illusion that people have when it comes to freedom.

Freedom is about you having control of your economy. And, the way how I look for me personally, humbly, the way how I help my personal economy is that I have total control or what I do, in a sense of building businesses.

It doesn’t mean that you have to create your brand.

It doesn’t means that you have to create your own products and so on.

There are a lot of products and so on, that you can grab like Internet marketing, building a mailing list is a form of building your own business. In network business – building a network is building your own business. So, there’s a lot of ways to do that.

And, when you have your own business, you have total control and that’s where freedom comes in. That’s where you can control your personal economy.

And you don’t really need to care about the world’s economy, the country’s economy or even your company’s economy whether is doing well or not.

Because a lot of people depends on those in a sense that, they just have to rely on that. Start focusing, start changing your focus and thinking how you can have total control of your own economy, where you depict your income.

Making money, making salary is good, it’s noble and thing like that. I do not say, don’t do any of those and so on.

But I’m just saying that, I think if you have a good income stream like for instance salary, I think that it is good that you start the focus on building another business.

And maybe it creates a part-time income because like I said it’s more important that you start focusing on building your own business. Then you can control your personal economy.